The holy Quran is our guidance book that was sent fromAllah to the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).It contains 114 Surah, some revealed in Mecca and othersin Madinah.Our duty _as Muslims_ towards this great book is to knowTafseer Quran.What is meant by Tafseer Quran?It is to know the meaning of its verses, and to explainwhen and why each verse was revealed.We have to realize that all books before the Quran havebeen altered, but Allah saved this book from alterationsince the day of its revelation.The holy Quran was pure and will remain pure till the dayof judgement, and this is the miracle of the Quran.This miracle must be learned, and teached for all Muslimsaround the World.Not only males have to know Tafseer Quran, but alsofemales.Tafseer Quran makes it easy for Muslims to knoweverything about Allah, his Messengers, his books, and allislamic rules that must be followed by all muslims.One of the benefits of learning Tafseer Quran is that it willilluminate your heart.You will sense the difference between reading the Quranbefore and after knowing the meaning of its verses.After it you will never stop reading it.To make it easy for you to learn Tafseer Quran, you haveto learn Arabic language.Don’t worry if you can’t do this now, or if you think it maybe difficult, as there are many translations for tafseerQuran.These translations will help Muslims all over the World tolearn more and more about Allah, and Islam.What is the benefit of learning Tafseer Quran?This study has a great benefit as it will help you to knowthe external meaning of the Quran to:1. Solve any complexes facing you while you arestudying.2. To the answer of any question related to Islam andQuran.3. Revelation details.Types of Tafseer:There are 2 broad categories of Tafseer:1.opinion based Tafseer:2.Narration based Tafseer: (known as Tafseerbi’l_Ma’thoor)that is divided into 4 ways:A.Tafseer Quran by means of the Quran itself.B.By Sunnah.C.By the statement of Sahabi.D.From Tabi’un if they agreed and had consensus.How to learn Tafseer online:To know Quran Tafseeryou have to learn it under thesupervision of trusted Sheikhs and scientists.There are also online academies that will be useful in thislearning.One of these important academies is Rattilonlineacademy, which is known as a community for all Muslims.Rattilonline academy offers specialist education for anyMuslim to know the truth about Islam.It is a great chance for students who study relativereligions in their universities.This helps you to realize the meaning of Allah, andunderstanding his commands.Reciting the Quran has a great reward, also TafseerQuran has its great reward.Don’t let this chance go away from your hands, do yourbest to get its reward and to know all about Allah.Wish Allah help us to do so.